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Introduction to the cold bath

How are the initiations? 

Each initiation consists of 5 lessons spread over 10 days, with one lesson every 2 days. This organization aims to give your body time to adapt and to allow me to accompany you on this path of experiences.

Course content 

Safe learning

On the first day, we will see together the basics of safety in the face of the cold and the preparation of the body for the effort that will be required of it. It is also this day when I take the time to personalize the experience according to your state of health.

deep breathing

In oriental medicine breathing is the seat of the will. During the second day, we will see different approaches to put at your service the unsuspected capacities of your lungs and your diaphragm.

Cardiac coherence

Hyper-tension, palpitations, tachycardia and other pathologies of the heart are affections which by 5 small minutes a day could be kept away from your lives thanks to cardiac coherence. We will see during the 3rd day the effects of cold on the heart and vessels, and how to exploit its virtues.

The reduction of inflammation 

Inflammation is the breeding ground for many diseases: type 2 diabetes, obesity, respiratory pathologies, hypertension, autoimmune disease, celiac disease. The anti-inflammatory effect should be felt on this 4th day of initiation.


Chronic stress produces a lowered immune response and also sleep disruption, leading to dysregulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Learning serenity in the face of the cold helps to set up conscious responses to stress.

Strengthening of the immune system

The way to boost your immune system is to practice the 4 pillars of hormesis which are: Sport, fasting, exposure to heat, and exposure to cold. These are the 4 ways to push the body to produce more growth hormones and promote cell regeneration. The lower the temperatures to which you expose yourself, the more respect for these 4 pillars will be necessary for you to progress. This will be the subject of the 5th day. 

The right to come back? How does it work? 

Our primary desire at is to guarantee safety and user-friendliness. It is for this reason that we have set up a new rule: 

You pay for your initiation once and you come back as many times as you wish.

If you do your initiation in the evening you can absolutely come to the morning initiation and vice versa.

You have stopped your practice and don't know where to start again? Just come back!

Your group can no longer come at the same time as you? Come and make new contacts.

Do you suffer from a pathology that requires taking the time? Spread your initiation over the whole season.

Are you changing location? Come say hello to the cold swimmers in your area!

Cold Bath initiations take place in Vevey (La Tour-de-Peilz), Lausanne and Geneva.

In Nyon starting from the season 2023-2024.


The dates of upcoming initiations and events can be found in the menu Book online


February 2023 initiation in Geneva



00:00 / 04:10


00:00 / 06:01


00:00 / 03:27


00:00 / 03:27


00:00 / 05:19


00:00 / 02:54


I was introduced to hydrotherapy by this therapist during initiation sessions in cold baths. He knows this discipline perfectly well.

Anyone can go into an ice bath, sit in it and be resilient, but relaxing in it is quite a story!!

This therapist taught us with passion and conviction the benefits of cold therapy, combining specific breathing techniques, exposure to cold and meditation.

I continue to take cold baths and I manage to relax …
Very good experience with this therapist, so go and discover this passionate person!!!



I learned to feel better in cold water, to stay there longer without getting cold thanks to Sébastien's very good advice and methods. Very professional, he knows how to put us at ease. He takes his time to answer each question and explains very well what we need to do, step by step.



I had the opportunity to participate in the introduction to cold bathing in Lake Geneva last winter. I loved receiving the caring and motivating advice of this therapist. This practice, which I am still continuing this winter, helps me better manage daily stress and allows me to add an unusual activity to the winter.

Initiation of Vevey in 2021

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